Peaceful Hopes and Economic Dreams

  June 20, 2009 at 1:20 am by

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HM King Abdullah is in Belgium this week, meeting with the heads of NATO in the hopes of finally finding a solution to the never ending Israeli – Palestinian Conflict. As head of the most forward thinking nation in the region, and one of the most respected and well known Heads of State in the Arab world, King Abdullah is serious about finding a peaceful solution to the conflict.

Not only in Europe to discuss unpleasant matters, King Abdullah is also planning on discussing the economic and commercial ties between Jordan and various European Nations. With the current economic situation taking it’s toll on most if not all of Europe, new and improved commercial and economic partnerships would be a benefit to both countries. And as an absolute Monarch, King Abdullah has a lot to say about where and how his country’s money and natural resources are dispersed.

King Abdullah and his wife, Queen Rania, have a very modern and open outlook on life and society, as can be seen in their daily activities and personal relationship. As leader of one of only two Arab nations to make peace with Israel, this open nature has fostered itself well in a very disturbed region.

Without doubt, other matters, far more political and sensitive in nature, will be discussed during this visit. One can only hope that something substantial finally comes of these meetings, rather than the usual round of handshakes, signed papers, and promises. Peace can be found in Jordan, so it would seem that if anyone could foster peace in a war-torn region, it might be King Abdullah.

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