Mary Continues Anti-Bullying Program at Kids’ Relay

  June 15, 2009 at 4:12 am by

Crown Princess Mary has continued with her anti-bullying program by attending a children’s baton relay to promote the cause.

View the image at MSN Star Lounge

The baton relay, which saw thousands of children and their parents head to Copenhagen’s Fælledparken, took place yesterday, with Mary presenting medals to all teams who completed the one kilometre long circuit. While she did not participate in the actual relay, Mary spent time to warm up and stretch with the children, producing laugh-worthy pictures of the Crown Princess waving her arms in the air on several occasions.

The event also had entertainment by the 16-year-old winner of Denmark’s X-Factor, Basim; whom Mary thanked personally for contributing to the “Free from Bullying” program.

“Free from Bullying” was developed by The Mary Foundation, and currently has over 250,000 Danish children participating. Mary took inspiration from another of her patronages, The Alannah and Madeline Foundation in Australia which organises the Better Buddies program, when working on “Free from Bullying”.

Visit this thread to read more about TMF and the relay event.

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