Queen Sofia Talks about Drugs in Barcelona

  June 3, 2009 at 10:47 pm by

Today, Queen Sofia of Spain attended in Barcelona the Congress, “Let’s talk about drugs. Families and Youth united for Prevention,” hosted by La Caixa Foundation and the Help against Drug Addiction Foundation (FAD), of which her Majesty is Honorary President.

View the image at Casa Real

The congress’s main goal is to be a reflection forum which may help professionals to check, in a critical way, the prevention of the problems related the drugs. Also their wish is to help ensure that future decisions and actions of the institutions and administrations involved in the matter could be more effective.

“Let’s talk about drug” is to be a forum to teenagers as well; more than 300 students of 11 Catalunya’s high schools have been working, in sciences class, on aspects related of addiction, and this afternoon they will set out their doubts and concerns to the Dr. Volkow, chairwoman of the National Institute of Drug Abuse, (NIDA).

With her work at the FAD, Queen Sofia has always tried to raise awareness about this social problem by “encouraging everybody to keep on making progress building societies more capable of protection from drug related problems. Definitively, freer societies. To achieve this goal, there is nothing better than working on the education of our citizens and, very specially, of our children and youth. They are our future.”

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