King Frederik X Proclaimed King

  January 14, 2024 at 9:17 pm by

After the signing of the act of abdication by his mother, the new Danish King Frederik X appeared on the balcony of Christiansborg Castle in Copenhagen to be formally proclaimed King of Denmark by Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen. The new King could not contain his emotions.

The King first entered the balcony alone to greet the growds. He was later joined by the prime minister, who officially proclaimed him King to the hundred of thousands of Danes on the palace square. Frederik X then held his first speech as king, praising his mother and revealing the motto of his reign:

“After the proclamation, King Frederik X made his first speech: “My mother, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II, has ruled Denmark for 52 years. For half a century, it has followed the times, taking our common heritage as its starting point. She will forever be remembered as an extraordinary regent.

My mother, like few others, managed to become one with her kingdom. Today, the throne is passed on. My hope is to become the gathering king of tomorrow. It’s a task I’ve tackled my entire life. It is a responsibility that I assume with respect, pride and great joy. It is an act that I will strive to achieve thanks to the confidence I encounter. I will need all the support I can get from my loving wife, my family, you and that which is greater than us. I face the future with the certainty that I am not alone. To the Kingdom of Denmark.”

After his speech the king was joined on the balcony by his wife – now Queen Mary- and his four children.

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