Third Child for Félix and Claire: Balthasar

  January 8, 2024 at 10:48 am by

Prince Félix and Princess Claire of Luxembourg expanded their family yesterday with the birth of their second son and third child. The baby was born in the Grand Duchess Charlotte Maternity Hospital in Luxemborug Ville and was given the names Balthasar Felix Karl. He weighs 3220 grams and is 50 cm long. The prince will be seventh in the line of succession of the Grand Duchy.

The proud parents celebrated their 10th wedding anniversary a few motnhs ago and already have two other children: Princess Amalia of Nassau (9) and Prince Liam of Nassau (7).

The happy news was announced by the grandparents Grand Duke Henri and Grand Duchess Maria Teresa. It is the seventh grandchild for the couple. The Luxembourg sovereigns have another birth to look forward too. In the spring of 2024, Princess Alexandra, their daughter who married Nicolas Bagory last April, is due to give birth to her first child.

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