King Felipe VI’s Christmas Speech: Constitution and Unity

  December 24, 2023 at 4:01 pm by

Felipe VI’s Christmas speech in 2023 is a tenth anniversary in which the king has shown his great fears. He has done so in the midst of political tension as a consequence of the amnesty law and a Government and an opposition that reflect a divided country. The great concern of King Felipe VI today is the Constitution and its defense, the unity of Spain, the future of the institutions. That, and preventing more division in Spain has been the focus of his speech: “We cannot allow the germ of discord to settle between us,” he said, underlining the “moral duty” to preserve the “unity of our country” and the “solidarity” between autonomous communities.

The king continued: “Outside respect for the Constitution there is no democracy or coexistence possible; there are no freedoms but imposition; “There is no law, but arbitrariness.”

“Outside the Constitution there is no Spain in peace and freedom”, the King continued. He highlighted that the ultimate reason for Spain’s successes and progress has been the unity of our country. “It will be the key to successfully facing the complex future challenges that Spain faces today.” He continued: “Each institution, starting with the King, must be placed in the place that constitutionally corresponds to it.”

He added that citizens must also respect other institutions in the exercise of their own powers and mutually contribute to their strengthening and prestige: “We must always ensure the good name, dignity and respect of our country.” He continued: “One of our great assets in democracy is, precisely, that coexistence based on shared feelings and the common search for the well-being and prosperity of all.”

The king concluded: “Spain will continue forward. The Crown will always be on that path. Not only because it is my duty as King, but also because it is my conviction.”

DIRECTO | Mensaje de Navidad del Rey Felipe VI | EL PAÍS (

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