Dutch State Visit to Belgium: Day Two

  June 22, 2023 at 5:07 am by

Yesterday, Wednesday June 21, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima started their second day in Belgium by attending the first edition of the Climate Tech Forum accompanied by Their Majesties King Philippe and Queen Mathilde. The forum, hosted by the Dutch Embassy in Belgium and the Dutch Consulate General, was attended by representatives from the public institutions.
Following the plenary session the Royal Couples toured an innovation market where Belgian-Dutch cooperation projects were presented.
Afterwards King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima went on with a separate agenda: the King, along with King Philippe, paid a visit to Aerospacelab company in Ottignies-Louvain-la-Neuve. The company, founded in 2018, aims to have “a real positive impact globally by making geospatial intelligence actionable and affordable”.
King Willem-Alexander and King Philippe toured the facility and met with employees.
In the meantime Queen Máxima, accompanied by Queen Mathilde,
went in Waterloo to visit the Queen Elisabeth Music Chapel where they met with the young musicians and attended some performances.
At lunchtime the Royal Couples were reunited for a lunch held at the Castle of Seneffe.
In early afternoon King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, along with King Philippe and Queen Mathilde, paid a visit to Bio Park in Charleroi, “a biotech ecosystem where companies and knowledge institutions conduct research in the field of life sciences and work on solutions to challenges in healthcare”.
In Charleroi they also greeted the residents of the city and in the schoolyard of Institut Saint-André they attednded a drawing workshop with the pupils.
The second day ended with a concert hosted by King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima for King Philippe and Queen Mathilde at Flagey cultural center. Performer of the concert was the Amsterdam Sinfonietta.

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