Belgian King and Queen Visit the Province of West Flanders

  May 4, 2023 at 2:43 pm by

Today, Thursday May 4, Their Majesties King Philippe and Queen Mathilde paid a visit to the Province of West Flanders.
The first stop was in the municipality of Roeselare where the Royal Couple paid a visit to the headquarter of the media company Roularta Media Group, a publishing and broadcasting company founded in 1954.
Upon the arrival at the headquarter of the company the King and the Queen were welcomed by the governon of the province Carl Decaluwé, the mayor of Roeselare, Kris Declercq and Xavier Bouckaert, CEO of the company.
Then the Royal Couple toured the facility, visited the editorial office, the printing house. met with members of staff and employees and signed the guest book.
The following stop was in the municipality of Deerlijk where the Royal Couple, accomanied by the mayor, Claude Croes, paid a visit to the new “Post Belgiek” fire station. During the visit they attended a number of demonstrations with a fire truck and an evacuation by ladder truck.
At the end of the visit the King and the Queen greeted the people gathered outside the Town Hall of Deerlijk where took place a reception.
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