Dutch King and Queen Participate in NL DOET 2023

  March 11, 2023 at 10:55 am by

Yesterday, Friday March 10, Their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima participated in the annual National Volunteer Day, NL DOET.
The King and the Queen volunteered at the Wijktuin Noordhove community center in Zoetermeer, Western Netherlands. This community center aims “to stimulate, support and guide fellow human beings who are partially or completely ‘outside’ of society, with regard to participation, integration and emancipation based on their individual talents”.
The Royal Couple, along with employees and volunteers, helped by preparing the gardens for a new planting season and cleaning and painting some furniture of the garden.
Between March 10 and 11, in about 7,000 places in the Netherlands, volunteers participate in the National Volunteer Day.
NL DOET is organized by The Oranje Fund, with King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima as patrons

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