Second Day in Boston for the Prince and Princess of Wales

  December 1, 2022 at 9:33 pm by

Today, Thursday December 1st, the Prince and Princess of Wales started their second day of the official visit in Somerville, a city in the northwest of Boston, where they paid a visit to the organization Greentown Labs, North America’s largest clean-tech incubator. 
Greentown Labs, founded in 2011, helps more than 200 climate tech startups to work on solutions for some of the climate challenges. 
The Royal Couple toured the plant and was informed about the organization’s efforts to fight against the climate crisis.
The following visit was at the non-profit organization Roca. 
This organization, founded in 1998, aims to help “high-risk young people between the ages of 16 and 24 at the center of urban violence.”
In the afternoon the Prince and the Princess, accompanied by the Mayor of Boston, Michelle Wu, and Reverend Mariama White-Hammond, took a walk through Boston Harbor to learn about how Boston’s shoreline is changing due to the rising sea levels.

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