Queen Máxima Awards Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize

  November 29, 2022 at 7:56 am by

Yesterday, Monday November 28, Her Majesty Queen Máxima presented the Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize 2022 at the Street Museum in Amsterdam.
This year the award went to Anne Frank House.
The Anne Frank House is a non-profit organisation “established on 3 May 1957 in cooperation with Otto Frank, Anne Frank’s father” and it is now a “museum in the house where Anne Frank went into hiding”.
Anne Frank was a young Jewish girl victim of the Holocaust famous for keeping a diary to document life in hiding under Nazi persecution. In November 1944 Anne died in the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp and in 1947 her diary was published with the title: “The Diary of a Young Girl”
Anne Frank House was awarded because “For decades, this Foundation has been bringing the life story and ideas of Anne Frank to the attention of the world in a creative and inspiring way. With ingenious digital and educational solutions, they point out the dangers of anti-Semitism, racism and discrimination, while at the same time pointing out the importance of freedom, equal rights and democracy”.
The prize of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund is a sum of 75,000 euros with an addition of another 75,000 euros that the winner can use as capital of a culture fund.
Anne Frank House planned to use the 75,000 euros “for an audio tour for children and young people, so that the story of Anne Frank in the Secret Annex comes to life for them too”.
The Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize is awarded to individuals or institutions that have made success in the field of music, theater, dance, visual arts, history, literature, heritage, cultural or nature conservation. The Prince Bernhard Culture Fund was created in London in 1940 by Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana.

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