Danish Working Visit to Vietnam Begins

  November 1, 2022 at 12:55 pm by

Arrived yesterday in Vietnam, Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary started today, Tuesday November 1st, a three-day working visit to the country.
The first stop of the working visit was at the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh, the founder of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam, At Ba Dinh Square in Hanoi, the capital of the country. The Crown Prince Couple laid a wreath and visited the mausoleum. 
Afterwards took place the officially welcoming ceremony at the Presidential Palace where Vo Thi Anh Xuan, the Vice President, received the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess. Then the Crown Prince Couple was officially welcomed by the President of Vietnam, 
Nguyen Xuan Phuc. 
Later Crown Prince Frederik and Crown Princess Mary were present at the official opening of the Danish-Vietnamese business conference entitled: “Creating a greener future together”. At the conference were present representatives of more than 36 Danish companies and were signed several memorandum of understanding. 
Then the Crown Princess attended the opening of a conference focused on “solutions in wind energy” while the Crown Princess attended a conference about “energy efficiency”.
At lunchtime the Crown Prince Couple returned to the Presidencial Palace where the President and his wife hosted a luncheon. 
In early afternoon the Crown Prince and the Crown Princess met with the Danish business delegation to be informed about their work in the field of wind energy and energy efficiency.
Afterwards Crown Prince Frederik, along with the Vice President, visited the Ngoc Son Temple, the Thang Long Puppet Theater and attended a demonstration about the making of Dong Ho paintings, a “Vietnamese folk images created on a thin paper consisting of bark”.
Then the Crown Prince Couple toured the Hoàn Kiếm Lake.
The first day ended with a reception eld at the Hanoi Opera to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the diplomatic relations between Denmark and Vietnam. 


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