Spanish State Visit to Germany – Day Two

  October 18, 2022 at 5:38 pm by

Today, Tuesday October 18, Their Majesties King Felipe and Queen Letizia started their second day in Germany with a separate program. In the mrning the King attended a working breakfast representatives of German and Spanish businessmen. Then the King, along with the German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier, was present at a Spanish-German business meeting organized by the Bertelsmann Foundation and Spanish partners.
Afterwards King Felipe paid a visit to the Reichstag, headquarted of the Bundestag, the German parliament, where he was received by Bärbel Bas, President of the Bundestag. The King signed the golden book and had a meeting with the President.
In the meantime Queen Letizia, accompanied by the German First Lady, visited the PalaisPopulaire Museum to toure the exhibition “Escribir todos sus nombres”. This exhibition, organized in cooperation with the Museum of Contemporary Art Helga de Alvear and the Embassy of Spain, “it is a journey through the work of women artists who contributed to the development of contemporary art in Spain in the last century”.
At around noon King Felipe and Queen Letizia were reunited and, accompanied by the mayor of Berlin, Franziska Giffey, visited the Brandenburg Gate where they posed for the photos. Then the Royal Couple visited the Berlin City Hall where they had a meeting with the mayor.
In the afternoon the King and the Queen, accompanied by the Presidential Couple, moved to Frankfurt to inaugurate the Frankfurt Book Fair. Spain is guest country of the fair.
The second day ended with a reception hosted by the Royal Couple for the Presidential Couple.
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