Belgian Official Visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo – Day Four: Lubumbashi

  June 10, 2022 at 5:31 pm by

Today, Friday June 10, Their Majesties King Philippe and Queen Mathilde continued the official visit to the Democratic Republic of Congo in Lubumbashi, capital of the Haut-Katanga province.
Upon the arrival at the airport the Royal Couple was welcomed by Prime Minister Jean Michel Sama Lukonde and members of the government.
Then the King and the Queen, along with the Belgian delegation and the Congolese prime Minister, paid a visit to “L’école Privée Belge de Lubumbashi”. The school, built in 1971, offers classes from nursery to secondary school and “has 45 teachers, 624 students and follows the educational program of the Wallonia-Brussels Federation”.
Later the Royal Couple visited the Université de Lubumbashi, one of the largest universities in the Democratic Republic of Congo with 16 faculties. The Governor of Haut Katanga, Jacques Kyabula Katwe, was among the present.
The King, in his speech, said to the students that: “This future belongs to you. And if you are here to study and train in conditions that we know are difficult, it is because you have faith in the future, in yourselves and in your country. We know the sacrifices this requires of you and your parents”.
In the evening took place a reception hosted by the Governor of Haut Katanga.

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