Princess Beatrix Presents Silver Carnations

  June 9, 2022 at 5:02 pm by

Today, Thursady June 9, Her Royal Highness Princess Beatrix presented the 2022 Silver Carnations of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund in a ceremony held at the Royal Palace in Amsterdam.
This year’s Carnations went to Adolf Kock for his “historical knowledge about Aruba” and his contribution to the cultural heritage; Daphne Wassink, chairman of Koornetwerk Nederland and figurehead of Dutch choral singing, was awarded because “Her personal and tireless lobby allowed choirs to sing again after months of forced silence due to corona”; Klaas Post because “He built and financed an enormous collection of more than 10,000 fossil marine mammals that has become indispensable for the Natural History Museum Rotterdam”.
The Prince Bernhard Culture Fund was formed in 1940 by the Princess’s father, Prince Bernhard. Since 1950 the awards are presented annually to individuals who have voluntarily worked to benefit the culture and nature of the Netherlands. Prince Bernhard, presented the awards each year until his 2004 death and since 2005 Princess Beatrix hands out the awards.



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