Royal Tour of The Caribbean Comes to An End

  March 27, 2022 at 3:57 pm by

Saturday March 26, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge started their eight and last day of the Platinum Jubilee Tour of the Caribbean in Abaco, island in the northern Bahamas.
There the Royal couple, aolong with the wife of the Prime Minister, Ann-Marie Davis, paid a visit to the Daystar Evangelical Church where they were welcomed by Pastor Silbert Mills. Following the Hurricane Dorian of 2019, 75% of homes across the island were damaged. The Duke and the Duchess were informed about how the community was affected about the hurricane.
Afterward the Royal couple laid a wreath at the Abaco’s Memorial Wall, a memorial for the victims of the hurricane.
Then the Duke and the Duchess visited Fish Fry, a culinary gathering place of The Bahamas. There was a food tasting and the Duchess made a Bahamian conch salad.
Later the Royal couple moved to Grand Bahamas where they paid a visit to the Grand Bahama Children’s Home (GBCH), a ” registered not-for-profit organization providing residential care and refuge
for abused, abandoned or neglected infants and children up to age 14″.
The final visit of the Royal Tour was at the Coral Vita headquarter, a company that “grows coral on land to replant in oceans” and that last October was among the winners of the first edition of Earthshot Prize Awards, a global prize for the environment and it was launched and organized by The Royal Foundation and Prince William.
They met with the co-founders, Sam Teicher and Gator Halpern and with company specialists, were informed about the coral farm and then the Duke dived into the sea to plant coral.
In late afternoon the Duke and the Duchess arrived at Lynden Pindling International Airport in Nassau were took place a departure ceremony before to take off heading back to UK.

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