Spanish King and Queen Begin State Visit to Sweden

  November 24, 2021 at 6:46 pm by

At the invitation of His Majesty the King of Sweden, Their Majesties King Felipe and Queen Letizia of Spain started today, Wednesday November 23, a two-day state visit to Sweden.
The King and Queen were greeted by King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia at Royal Mews where the Royal Couples started a carriage ride to the Royal Palace where took place the official welcoming ceremony.
In the courtyard of the Palace King Felipe and King Carl Gustaf inspected the Grenadier Guards of the Life Guards and the national anthems were played.
Then, inside the Palace, the King and the Queen were greeted by Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia. After posing for the official photos, King Felipe and King Carl Gustav made some statements.
In early afternoon the Royal Couple, along with King Carl Gustaf and Queen Silvia, paid a visit to the Nobel Prize Museum. There they toured the exhibition “Synapse. Art and science of Spain. From Ramón y Cajal to our days” that shows the drawings of neurons of the Nobel Prize in MedicineSantiago Ramón y Cajal.
Afterwards, King Felipe and Queen Letizia went on with a separate agenda: the King visited the Riksdag, the Swedish Parliament, where he met with the President, Andreas Norlén and then met the Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lovfen; in the meantime Queen Letizia, accompanied by Queen Silvia and Crown Princess Victoria, paid a visit to the Karolinska Institute, “Sweden’s single largest centre of medical academic research”, where took place a seminar focused on disability and rare diagnoses.
In the evening King Carl Gustaf hosted a gala dinner in honour of King Felipe and Queen Letizia. Crown Princess Victoria, Prince Daniel, Prince Carl Philip and Princess Sofia were present as well.
In his speech King Felipe said that: “Spain and Sweden share the fundamental democratic principles and values that lay at the foundation of today’s Europe”.
King Carl Gustaf expressed his great pleasure: “to be able to meet in person again and to bring people together, as we are doing this evening”, adding that: “The close ties between our nations and people lay the foundations for cooperation and solidarity, and for solving problems – together”.

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