State Visit from Italy to Spain

  November 18, 2021 at 1:47 pm by

The Italian President Sergio Mattarella, along with his daughter Laura, paid a two-day State Visit to Spain on Tuesday November 16.
Upon their arrival in Spain, the President and his daughter were officially welcomed by Their Majesties King Felipe and Queen Letizia. The welcoming ceremony took place in the courtyard of the Royal Palace where the King and the President inspected the battalion of the Royal Guard and the national anthems were played.
Then, inside the Palace, took place a meeting between the Royal Couple with the President and his daughter Laura, followed by a luncheon.
In the afternoon President Mattarella had several institutional meetings. After the laying wreath ceremony at Monumento a los Caídos por España, the President met with the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and then, the City Hall of Madrid, President Mattarella received the Golden Key of Madrid as a “symbol of gratitude and token of appreciation of the people of Madrid and the Spanish State to the Italian people.”
The first day ended with a gala dinner hosted by the King and the Queen in honor of the President and his daughter.
In his speech the King stressed the importance of the European Union “to achieve the progress and well-being of our societies, and to avoid the decline, fragmentation and even the confrontation that led Europeans in other times to the most dramatic moments in our history”.
President Mattarella in his speech thanked the King and the Queen for their warm welcome, stressing “the deep and centuries-old friendship that unites our nations.”
The second and last day, on Wednesday November 17, the President visited the Congress where he met with the President of the Congress, Meritxell Batet , and the President of the Senate, Ander Gil.
In the afternoon, King Felipe and the President attended the XIV Cotec Europa meeting in Malaga where they were reunited with Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa, President of Portugal.

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