Queen Máxima Awards Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize

  November 17, 2021 at 1:52 pm by

Tuesday November 16, Her Majesty Queen Maxima presented the Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize 2021 at a former broadcasting station in Radio Kootwijk, a small town in the municipality of Apeldoorn. This year the award went to IVN Nature Education.
IVN Nature Eudcation is a institute for nature education that aims to connect people and nature and want to bring nature closer to people to embrace it and take better care of it. With the help of nature activities, courses, projects and campaigns, IVN wants to show to people how fun, healthy and important nature is.
IVN Nature Eudcation was awarded “because it brings thousands of people into contact with nature every year and pays attention to groups for whom an interest in nature is not self-evident”.
The prize of the Prince Bernhard Culture Fund is a sum of 75,000 euros with an addition of another 75,000 euros that the winner can use as capital of a culture fund. IVN planned to use the 75,000 euros to the establishment of IVN Green Schoolyards Fund to encourage “the use of green schoolyards in primary schools, for example with outdoor lessons”.
The Prince Bernhard Cultural Prize is awarded to individuals or institutions that have made success in the field of music, theater, dance, visual arts, history, literature, heritage, cultural or nature conservation. The Prince Bernhard Culture Fund was created in London in 1940 by Prince Bernhard, husband of Queen Juliana.

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