Dutch King and Queen Begin State Visit to Norway

  November 10, 2021 at 2:01 am by

At the invitation of King Harald V, their Majesties King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima started today, Tuesday November 9, a three-day state visit to Norway.
Upon their arrival in Oslo the Royal Couple was officially welcomed by King Harald, Queen Sonja and Crown Princess Mette-Marit with a welcoming ceremony held in the Palace Square outside the Royal Palace. King Willem-Alexander and King Harald inspected a guard of honour.
Then, inside the Palace, there was the exchange of gifts and were taken the official photos. Princess Martha Louise was present as well.
Afterwards the Royal Couple, accompanied by King Harald and Queen Sonja, paid a visit at the National Monument where they laid a wreath to commemorate the victims of the World War II.
Around noon, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima visited the Norwegian Parliament, Stortinget, where they met with Eva Kristin Hansen, President of the Parliament. The Royal Couple signed the guest book.
At lunchtime took place a luncheon at the Royal Palace.
In the afternoon the Dutch Royal Couple, along with King Harald and Queen Sonja, paid a visit at the Fram Museum, a museum that tells the story of the Norwegian polar expeditions and Norwegian polar research. The visit at the Museum was focused on the climate change. During the visit the Royals toured the museum and attended a meeting focused about the impact of climate change on life in the Arctic with Dutch and Norwegian research students.
In the evening King Harald hosted a state banquet at the Royal Palace. Crown Princess Mette-Marit and Princess Märtha Louise were present as well.
King Willem-Alexander, in his speech, thanked King Harald and Queen Sonja for their hospitality. The King also praised the beauty of Norway, adding that “There is a great relationship between Norway and the Netherlands”.
In his speech, King Harald praised the Dutch Royal Couple for “the way that you, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Máxima, have defined your own role as Majesties”. The King added that “Norway and the Netherlands are close partners in the many multilateral forums where we both take part – such as the UN, NATO, the OSCE and the Council of Europe”.

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