Delphine Boël is now officially princess of Belgium

  October 1, 2020 at 2:02 pm by

According to the Walloon public broadcaster RTBF, the Brussels Court of Appeal has ruled that Delphine Boël -extramarital daughter of King Albert II and Baroness Sybille de Selys Longchamps-  can now call herself Princess of Belgium. Her children Joséphine and Oscar will also receive that title. From now on they may bear the surname of ‘de Saxe-Coburg’. They can also use the prefix of “Royal Highness” and the title “Prince(ss) of Belgium”. According to the Flemish press the children will continue to use the last name of their father, O’Hare, in combination with the title.

A judgement was not expected until the end of October, but it eventually came earlier.  It is the culmination of a process that has dragged on for years, and which had only one question: is Delphine Boël the biological and legal daughter of King Albert II? At the beginning of this year, a DNA test confirmed the news that was common knowledge in Belgium: Delphine Boël is the biological daughter of Albert II.  Immediately after the results of the DNA test , King Albert II announced that he will no longer legally dispute the fact that Delphine is his daughter.

There is still a possibility that King Albert II will appeal against this judgement.


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