Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel Attend Sixth Prince Friso Engineers Awards

  March 5, 2020 at 10:12 am by

Yesterday, Wednesday March 4, Their Royal Highnesses Princess Beatrix and Princess Mabel presented the sixth edition of the Prince Friso Engineers Awards at the De Oude Bibliotheek Academy in Delft.
The award this year went to Bas Reedijk, Head of Water Department at BAM Infraconsult, that “As department head, Reedijk was intensively involved in various projects, including the development of the XblocPlus , an innovative concrete breakwater element suitable for long, straight structures such as the Afsluitdijk. He also developed the flexible cribs , stone sleepers that guide rivers in the right direction”.
Bas Reedijk was awarded becaus is “as an enthusiastic engineer. He likes to work with young people and wants to inspire these young engineers. He not only has an eye for aesthetics, but also for the climate and the ecological consequences for the sea and practical applicability”.
The Royal Institution of Engineers (KIVI), the Dutch Association of Professional Engineers, presents the award annually to engineers who “excel in innovation capacity, entrepreneurship, personality and social impact”.
Since 2015, the award has been called the Prince Friso Engineers Award in honor of the Prince who studied Mechanical Engineering at the College of Engineering of the University of California at Berkeley (USA) and from 1988 aerospace engineering at the Technical University of Delft. Prince Friso received his engineering degree in 1994, and was a member of the Royal Institute of Engineers.
Prince Friso died on August 12, 2013 after an accident occurred in February 2012 at the ski resort of Lech, Austria when he was victim of an avalanche.

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