Duke of Edinburgh in car crash

  January 18, 2019 at 11:24 am by

On January 17, the Duke of Edinburgh crashed his car on the A149 in Norfolk, causing his Land Rover to turn over. He escaped from the crash unharmed and it is known that the other passengers and drivers who were also in the incident are also safe.

The crash occurred the day before counselors in Norfolk had agreed to cut the speed limit on the A149 as there had been five deaths as a result of the speed limit in the past six years.

The 97-year-old had a check up from his doctor today and does not have any wounds or visible injuries, though it has been reported that Philip was very shaken up by the crash.

Two women in Kia motors suffered injuries, though are now safe and recovering. It was reported that Philip offered to help one of the women who had been injured after the crash had happened.

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