Belgian State Visit to Portugal: Day Two

  October 23, 2018 at 7:22 pm by

King Philippe and Queen Mathilde started their second day in Portugal on Tuesday with a visit at the Oceano Azul Foundation, an international organization that aims to contribute to the sustainability of a healthy and productive ocean, and the Oceanarium, one of the largest aquariums in Europe.

Then the Royal Couple continued the day with a separate program. King Philippe attended at the opening of the Portugal-Belgium business meeting at the presence of President Rebelo de Sousa. Afterwards the King was present at the closing of two seminars: the first one was on Building Information Modeling (BIM) while the second one was focused on circular economy titled “Towards a Circular Economy: Belgian-Portuguese findings and perspectives on Waste & Water”.

In the meantime Queen Mathilde paid a visit to the Champalimaud Foundation, a private biomedical research center and a cancer research center that aims “to develop programmes of advanced biomedical research and provide clinical care of excellence”. The Queen toured the garden of the institute, meet with some patients and signed the guest book.

At lunchtime the King attended a business lunch while the Queen had a luncheon with representatives of various sectors and groups of the Portuguese society. In the afternoon King Philippe was present at a roundtable meeting with Belgian and Portuguese social entrepreneurs.

Queen Mathilde spent the afternoon in Amadora, a suburb of the Portuguese capital Lisbon, where she paid a visit to Associação Cultural Moinho da Juventude, a community center that aims to help all people with integration difficulties in the neighborhood.

In the evening King Philippe and Queen Mathilde hosted a concert in honour of the the President of the Republic of Portugal. At the event, held at the Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian, performed the “Huelgas Ensemble”, a Belgiuan music group that focuses its discography on renaissance polyphony.

Filed under Belgium.

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