Dutch Regional Visit to Schouwen-Duiveland and Tholen

  October 16, 2018 at 10:07 pm by

Today, Tuesday October 16, King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima paid a regional visit to Schouwen-Duiveland and Tholen in the province of Zeeland.

The first stop was in Renesse, a village located in the Schouwen-Duiveland municipality where the Royal Couple was welcomed by Han Polman, Commissioner of the King in Zeeland and Gerard Rabelink, the mayor of Schouwen-Duiveland. In Renesse the King and the Queen met with entrepreneurs and representatives of the village and were informed about the sustainability of recreation and tourism of the village.

Then, in the town of Kerkwerve, the Royal Couple paid a visit to the Hof van Alexander Boutique Hotel, a former farm that now is a sustainable modern hotel with a training center for equestrian sports.

Afterwards, from Kerkwerve, the King and the Queen arrived in the harbor of the fishing village of Bruinisse. Ther they met with members of the Stichting Behoud Hoogaars, a foundation established in 1990 that aims to maintain the Zeeland maritime heritage.

The visit continued in Sint Philipsland, a village in the municipality of Tholen. Upon their arrival the Royal Couple was welcomed by Ger van de Velde-de Wilde, mayor of Tholen. The King and the Queen met with farmers, representatives of the Nationale Proeftuin Precisielandbouw, a project from the Dutch Ministry of Agriculture, Nature and Food Quality that helps farmers on the applications of precision agriculture on their farms and representatives of Deltares, an independent applied knowledge institute that works on smart innovations, solutions and applications for people, the environment and society in the field of water and subsoil.

The regional visit ended at the factory hall of HEMI, a company specialized in the completion and layout of retail formulas that turns 50 years this month. The King and the Queen toured the Hemi building and were informed about the process from design to realization.

Filed under The Netherlands.

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