Queen Maxima Visits the YETS Foundation

  September 13, 2018 at 5:11 pm by

Today, Thursday September 13, Her Majesty Queen Maxima paid a working visit at the YETS Foundation training center in Schiedam, in the province of South Holland.
YETS Foundation received the ”Appeltjes van Oranje” last June, the annual award of the Orange Fund which is given “for initiatives successful with groups of people.”
The Foundation, established in 2014 by the basketball player Peter Ottens, aims to “to support vulnerable young people in their development and to guide them to a positive role in their community and to strengthen it”.
Besides the basketball training, the young people receive homework assistance, healthy eating education and social integration.
During the visit young people and coaches gave a demonstration to the Queen about the different parts of a basketball training.
Afterwards the Queen attended two meetings: the first one was focused on the development, collaboration and growth of the YETS Foundation, in the second one the Queen met with young people and their coaches to talk about thier experience with the Foundation.
The “Appeltjes van Oranje” started in 2003 as an annual award of the “Oranje Fonds”. King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are patrons of The Oranje Fonds that was created in 2002.

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