Queen Maxima’s Working Visit in The Hague

  February 22, 2018 at 7:21 pm by

On Thursday February 22nd, Queen Maxima paid a working visit to the organization Schuldenlab070 in The Hague.

Schuldenlab070, founded in July 2016 by the Municipality of The Hague and the inclusive platform Society Impact Foundation, aims to “find innovative solutions in order to help the households who are facing poverty and debt problems in The Hague”. The organization works in cooperation with 25 partners, including ING, Eneco, CZ, ADG Dienstengroep, AEGON, Rabobank, SVB, Probation Service Netherlands and platform Money Matters.

During the visit Queen Maxima was informed about two projects that Schuldenlab070 is managing: Social Hospital (Sohos) and the Youth Perspective Fund (JFP). Sohos takes care of families with multiple problems likes debts, poverty, health problems or problems with the law. Actually they are helping 3,200 families around The Hague.

Youth Perspective Fund helps young people from the age of 18 to 27 in The Hague who are at risk of developing problematic debts. The young people also receive help in different areas of life like housing, social relations, psychological and physical health and addictions.

Since 2010, Queen Maxima is Honorary Chairman of the platform Money Matters.

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