Dressed For Success: King Willem-Alexander Visits Amsterdam Charity

  January 16, 2018 at 11:47 am by

Before hosting the first New Year’s reception of the year on Tuesday, King Willem-Alexander paid a visit to an Amsterdam charity that provides people looking for employment with appropriate attire to wear for interviews.

The King visited Dress for Success, which is an initiative of the ‘Together Out of Poverty’ program established The Oranje Fonds, and met with staff who man the Amsterdam store, as well as clients who have taken up the organisation’s offer to help them get a job (one of whom actually informed his potential employer that his clothing was ‘borrowed’ – that company hired him, and then gave a six-figure donation to the charity). 60% of clients who have used Dress for Success were successful in their job-hunting.

The King was told how clothing are donated by clothing companies and private individuals, and the charity receives a lot more female clothing than male clothing – to which His Majesty replied with a small grin (clearly unsurprised by that fact!).

King Willem-Alexander and Queen Maxima are patrons of The Oranje Fonds.

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