Prince of Asturias attends Google Forum

  May 19, 2009 at 11:47 am by

Click here to see photo at Casareal

Click here to see photo at Casareal

H.R.H. the Prince of Asturias attended yesterday in Hertfordshire, United Kingdom, the meeting “Zeitgeist Europe 2009”, a series of conferences where business people and political leaders mostly discuss current topics of interest. The meeting has been organized since 2006 by Google, 2008 Prince of Asturias Award for Communication and Humanities.

The conference will last for two days and also will be attended by the Prince of Wales, the Crown Prince of Norway, the Former President of Ireland and current President of Realizing Rights, Mary Robinson, among others leaders
“Iberomerica and Spain” was the main issue of the speech given by the Prince of Asturias, in which he talked about the importance of the common language and the current economic situation, as well as the economic relations between Spain and Latin America, and in turn, the ties between this area, the European Union, and the United States.

The Prince, addressing the audience in English, said that “Europe and North America should pay more attention to Latin America, to the great potential it beholds, as a good opportunity to effectively expand global progress by reinforcing together this great Atlantic area of democracy, stability and development we form all together.”

To read the transcript of the speech given by the Prince of Asturias click here.

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