The Duchess of Cambridge Visits The Foundling Museum

  November 28, 2017 at 3:00 pm by

On Tuesday morning, the Duchess of Cambridge paid a visit to the Foundling Museum in Bloomsbury, London.

Catherine – wearing a printed Kate Spade frock – was shown around the Museum’s exhibitions that highlight the history of the Foundling Hospital, which was established in 1739 to provide care for abandoned babies and children (known as ‘foundlings’). It was the first children’s charity in the United Kingdom.

Among the exhibits she viewed was an exhibition of tokens left with babies by their mothers, as a way to identify them as their child should they be able to return to collect them in the future.

Afterwards, the Duchess joined in an arts and craft session with children in the Thomas Coram nursery that is connected to the Museum.

As she arrived to the Museum, Catherine told reporters that she and her husband, the Duke of Cambridge, were “absolutely thrilled” by the news of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s engagement, and that they “wish them all the best and hope they enjoy this happy moment.”

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