Prince Henrik Suffering From Dementia, Court Confirms

  September 6, 2017 at 8:37 am by

A statement released by the Danish Royal Court this morning has made the sad announcement that Prince Henrik has been diagnosed with dementia, following a long investigation process and tests at the Rigshospitalet in Copenhagen.

The diagnosis implies a weakening of the Prince’s cognitive function level. The extent of the cognitive failure is, according to Rigshospitalet, greater than expected for the age of the Prince, and can be accompanied by changes in behavior, reaction patterns, judgment and emotional life and thus also affect the interaction with the outside world,” the statement read.

Prince Henrik will now further reduce his workload, and relinquish more of his patronages.

In recent weeks there had been speculation regarding the 83-year-old Prince’s health, following the announcement over the summer that he will no longer be buried beside his wife, Queen Margrethe II, when they both pass, and his public behaviour in the weeks afterward. Many felt the increase in Prince Henrik voicing his displeasure not being made King as a sign of some form of mental impairment.

The Court has asked that the Prince be afforded the peace his situation requires moving forward.

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