King Felipe Joins Minute of Silence For Barcelona Terror Attack Victims

  August 18, 2017 at 5:20 pm by

King Felipe VI was present on Friday for a minute’s silence at the Plaza de Catalunya in Barcelona in memory of the victims of Thursday’s twin terrorist attacks in Barcelona and Cambrils.

He was joined by Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy, the President of the Generalitat of Catalonia Carles Puigdemont, the Mayor of Barcelona Ada Colau, amongst other government officials for the memorial.

15 people were killed in the two attacks (plus one in a related explosion in Alcanar), when terrorists drove vehicles at crowds in Barcelona’s La Rambla district and Cambrils. Over 100 people were injured. Five of the perpetrators were killed by police.

In the hours after the initial attack in Barcelona, the Spanish Royal Court tweeted: “They are assassins, criminals who won’t terrorise us. All of Spain is Barcelona. Las Ramblas will be everyone’s.”

The King and Queen Letizia will tomorrow visit hospitals treating the injured.

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