An Engagement is Announced – in Serbia!

  July 24, 2017 at 2:31 pm by


View the full image at the Serbian Royals’ official website

The Royal Family of Serbia have today announced the engagement of His Royal Highness Prince Philip and Ms Danica Marinkovic, a graphic designer and visual artist, who is the daughter of Mr Milan Marinkovic-Cile and Mrs Beba Marinkovic.

Prince Philip is the second son of Crown Prince Alexander and his first wife, Princess Dona Maria da Gloria, Duchess de Segorbe.  He was educated in the United Kingdom at the King’s School in Canterbury and gaining a BA from University College in London.  His Royal Highness now works at a financial initiation in London.

According to the official announcement made today,  further details of the wedding will be made in due course.

For more news about the Royal Family of Serbia, please click here.

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