Spanish State Visit to The United Kingdom: Day Two

  July 13, 2017 at 7:17 pm by

The second day of the Spanish State Visit to Britain saw King Felipe and Queen Letizia accompanied by various members of the British Royal Family on their engagements through the day.

King Felipe began his morning at a British-Hispanic business meeting at Mansion House alongside Prince Andrew, Duke of York. The aim of the meeting was to increase trade between the two countries, which totalled to €30billion in 2016.

Later, the King was joined by Queen Letizia and Prince Harry of Wales for a visit to Westminster Abbey, where they laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. The royal party was given a tour of the Abbey, and the King and Queen paid particular attention to the tomb of Eleanor of Castille, the 13th century Spanish princess who married Edward I of England.

It was then on to the Spanish Embassy for a reception with Spanish expats living in England. King Felipe gave a speech in which he said he was confident that the upcoming “withdrawal agreement of the United Kingdom from the European Union…will soon give you the necessary certainty that will allow you to continue your peace and confidence in this country”. Afterwards King Felipe had a private meeting with British Prime Minister Theresa May.

In the evening, the traditional banquet at the Guildhall hosted by the Lord Mayor of London was held, with the Princess Royal and Vice Admiral Sir Timothy Laurence representing the Windsors. Queen Letizia wore a lovely navy blue off-the-shoulder evening dress with the Spanish Floral Tiara and a pair of diamond and sapphire statement earrings. Princess Anne donned pale blue gown with embroidered sequins, her diamond Festoon Tiara.

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