Citizens of Fredensborg Welcome Queen Margrethe At Start of Spring Residence

  April 4, 2017 at 7:58 pm by

The traditional torchlit procession to Fredensborg Palace took place on Tuesday night, as the citizens of the town welcomed Queen Margrethe II as she takes up residence in the Palace for the spring season.

Hundreds gathered in the courtyard of the Palace as the Queen was presented with flowers by the Mayor of Fredensborg, Thomas Lykke Pedersen, who asked her to pass on his condolences to Prince Henrik following the death of his brother-in-law over the weekend. One of the Danish national anthems, Der er et yndigt land (There is a lovely country),  was sung at the end of the welcome.

Queen Margrethe and Prince Henrik reside at Fredensborg in spring and autumn.

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