Prince Richard Farewelled In Bad Berleburg

  March 21, 2017 at 4:16 pm by

Richard, 6th Prince zu Sayn-Wittengenstein-Berleburg was today farewelled in a funeral service at Bad Berleburg’s Evangelische Stadtkirche. His widow, Princess Benedikte, lead mourners from Denmark, Greece, Sweden, Norway, The Netherlands, Jordan and Germany’s noble families.

The day began with the transfer of the late Prince’s casket from Schloss Berleburg to the church. His wife, daughters, eldest grandchildren and siblings watched the ceremony from the Palace forecourt, as his only son – Gustav, the new Head of the House of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg – walked behind the casket carrying a pillow bearing the orders Prince Richard had been bestowed in his lifetime.

At 2pm, the private funeral service began, after mourners were caught in a light downpour as they arrive to the church. The late Prince was then interred in the Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg family crypt.

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