Louis & Tessy’s Divorce Granted In London Court

  February 17, 2017 at 8:27 pm by

The Central Family Court in London has today approved a decree nisi granting Prince Louis and Princess Tessy’s divorce. Their divorce will become official in six weeks and one day.

According to The Daily Mail, who broke the story, the cause of the divorce – initiated by the Princess – was listed as ‘unreasonable behaviour’. This is one of the five valid reasons for divorce in the UK, and despite its negative connotations, is the most ‘neutral’ of the options (the others being adultery, desertion, living apart for two/five years) as ‘unreasonable behaviour’ can be considering anything from major issues like abuse to more minor issues like one party refusing to pay for housekeeping, or one party no longer wishing to work on the marriage (this reasoning appears to be the British correspondent to the American ‘irreconcilable differences’).

Court documents show the judge’s found Tessy “entitled to a decree of divorce, the marriage having irretrievably broken down, the facts found proved being the respondent’s unreasonable behaviour”.

Neither Prince Louis nor Princess Tessy were in court for the verdict.

The couple have two children, Prince and Prince Noah. They were married in September 2006.

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