A Royal Double Act At The Vatican: Silvia and Beatrix Open New Exhibition

  November 23, 2016 at 2:03 pm by

The exhibition ‘Rembrandt at the Vatican: Images from Heaven and Earth’ was opened today at the Vatican Museums by Sweden’s Queen Silvia with Dutch Princess Beatrix in attendance. 

Both ladies were given a tour of the exhibition, which features a number of the painter’s pieces from the Zorn Museum in Sweden, along with a painting from the Kremer Collection in the Netherlands. It is the first exhibition of Rembrandt pieces to be held in the Vatican City, and is being held to mark relations between Protestants and Catholics on the 500th anniversary of the Reformation.

Queen Silvia wore a lovely shamrock green dress, while Princess Beatrix opted for a beige and gold skirt suit. Prince Jaime of Bourbon-Parma, the Dutch Ambassador to the Holy See, and his wife Princess Viktoria were also present.

The exhibition will be shown in Raffaello’s Hall until the end of February.

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