Prince Carl Philip Visits Swedish Troops in Mali

  October 31, 2016 at 4:53 pm by

The 250 Swedish troops currently stationed in Mali as part of the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in Mali (MINUSMA) received a visit from Prince Carl Philip last week.

He spent most of his time, between Wednesday and Sunday, at the Swedish base, Camp Nobel, meeting with the troops and learning about their activities in Mali, and accompanying them on a patrol. He also paid a visit to the European Union training centre in the region, where Swedish troops are also working.

“I am very impressed by how well you succeed in carrying out your mission in this extremely challenging environment. The infrastructure, the sand, and not least the heat itself is a big challenge,” Prince Carl Philip said in a speech to the troops. He also thanked them for their service on behalf of himself and the King, as well as extending the thanks to the soldiers’ families.


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