Prince Mikasa has Died

  October 27, 2016 at 2:51 am by

It has been announced that His Imperial Highness Prince Mikasa of Japan has died at the age of 100 years.

His Imperial Highness was the uncle of Emperor Akihito and the younger brother of the late Emperor Showa.  Born on 2nd December 1915, Prince Mikasa was, until his death, the oldest member of the Imperial Family and lived through the reigns of three emperors.

During the Second World War, the Prince served as a staff officer with the Imperial Army and later wrote of his remorse saying that, at the time, he had not been fully aware of the evils of war.

Later on in life, Prince Mikasa studied Oriental history.  His Imperial Highness also taught at a number of universities and had close ties with Turkey having become honorary president of the Middle Eastern Culture Center in Japan and the Japan-Turkey Society.

For more news, photos and discussion on this sad event, please click here.

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