Prince Charles Remembers the Victims of the Aberfan Disaster Fifty Years On

  October 21, 2016 at 7:34 pm by

The Prince of Wales joined survivors and family members of victims of the 1966 Aberfan disaster at a reception in South Wales to mark the fiftieth anniversary of the disaster which claimed the lives of 144 people.

He laid a wreath at the Aberfan Cemetery ahead of a reception where he said that “Anyone who is old enough can remember where they were when they heard the appalling news about the Aberfan disaster…I can never forget the feeling of utter despair as I heard of the unspeakable tragedy that had befallen your community.” He also spoke of the town’s remarkable strength and courage in the aftermath of the disaster.

Prince Charles later planted a sweet gum tree in the memorial garden honouring the victims.

116 children at the Pantglas Junior School – half its student populace – and 28 adults were killed on the morning of October 21, 1966 when a landslide of coal waste blanketed the town.

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