Queen Mathilde Visits the De Mot-Couvreur School

  September 21, 2016 at 10:23 am by

Today, Wednesday September 21, Her Majesty Queen Mathilde paid a visit to the secondary school De Mot-Couvreur in Brussels. The purpose of the visit was meeting teachers and students who participated in a project organized by the Belgian associaton Actions in the Mediterranean (AIM).

This project, called “Israel-Palestine: To Understand”, aims to promotes the understanding and the dialogue between the various communities living in Brussels.

The Queen was informed by teachers, students and staff about the different aspect of the project and the educational and civic activities organized like theatrical performances and discussion tables.

The project involved about 36 students from three differents schools of the city.  The association Actions in the Mediterranean (AIM) aims to promote the dialogue between Israel and the Palestinians and the Jewish-Arab dialogue in Belgium and it was founded by Simone Susskind, a Belgian politician which is also president of the association.

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