Dutch Photo Session in Wassenaar

  July 9, 2016 at 6:06 am by

Despite the mild concussion suffered by Queen Máxima after a fall last Friday, yesterday the Queen was able to take part in the annual summer photo session along with King Willem-Alexander and their three daughters, Princesses Catharina-Amalia, Alexia and Ariane. The Royal Family posed in the gardens of Villa Eikenhorst.

At the photo session were also present the family’s two black labradors, Skipper and Nana.

The Queen wasn’t the only one not on top form, in fact Princess Catharina-Amalia, the eldest daughter of the King and Queen, attended the photo shoot with crutches due to a sprained ankle.

During the photo shoot the Royal couple spoke briefly to the press gathered for the event. The King and Queen were happy about the results gained by the Princesses at the end of the school and the King told to the press that next year Princess Catharina-Amalia will start to study Chinese.

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