Death of Princess Barbara of Schleswig-Holstein

  May 7, 2009 at 3:06 pm by


Princess Barbara of Schleswig-Holstein died on April 28th 2009, she was only 47 years old.

The princess was born as Barbara Beata Fertsch in Friedberg, Germany on 27 July 1961. She married prince Alexander of Schleswig-Holstein in a civil ceremony in Munich on 29 August 1994, the religious ceremony was in San Cabaneta, Mallorca on 3 September of the same year. The couple has two children: princess Elena (b. 1995) and prince Julian (b. 1997).

Prince Alexander is the son of the late duke Peter of Schleswig-Holstein and princess Marie Alix of Schaumburg-Lippe. His older brother,Duke Christoph of Schleswig-Holstein, is the present head of the ducal family of Schleswig-Holstein-Sondernburg-Glücksburg.

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