Princess Mary Launches Women Deliver Conference in Copenhagen

  May 16, 2016 at 7:31 pm by

The 2016 Women Deliver conference focusing on the “health, rights and wellbeing of girls and women” was opened this afternoon in Copenhagen by Crown Princess Mary, who is patron of the conference.

During her speech, Mary spoke of what still needs to be done for women’s equality around the globe, and how it is important for men to be involved in the process. “This agenda is not a woman’s agenda but a united agenda for humanity that involves men, women, girls and boys,” she said.

She also called for “girls to have choice, not chance” because “less bad is never good enough.”

In the audience for the opening were Crown Prince Frederik, Princess Benedikte, Crown Prince Haakon and Crown Princess Mette-Merit of Norway and Princess Mabel of Orange-Nassau (who will be speaking during the conference as representative of Girls Not Brides).

Earlier in the day, she and Crown Princess Mette-Marit of Norway attended a Young Leaders workshop; before they parted ways and went on to other segments of the first day’s agenda.

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