Father and Son Together At Innovation Day

  May 13, 2016 at 12:53 pm by

King Juan Carlos joined his son King Felipe VI of Spain to visit the “Day of Innovation”, organised by the COTEC foundation. The present king is honorary president of the organisation while his father was the founding president.

In his speech King Felipe VI stressed the importance of innovation for the succes of a nation. The king also made a comparion to Spain’s successes in sport: “If we succeed in sport, we can also achieve Innovation is a task for us all: It innovates country progresses, improvement, the country that innovates secures your future and also be better able to help others.” After Felipe’s speech, father and son walked around at the MarketLab exposition space where with creative laboratories.

COTEC was founded in 1990 by a group of businessmen, echoing a suggestion of King Juan Carlos to create a business organization to help promote technological innovation and to increase social cohesion by technology.

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