Cigarette Reduces Schloss Ebenzweier To Ashes

  May 12, 2016 at 9:33 am by

Schloss Ebenzweier in Altmünster, Austria, has burnt down on monday. A burning cigarette that was thrown into the castle’s rose garden is the most likely cause of the fire.

The castle’s history goes back to 1292. In 1830 it was sold to Archduke Maximilian Joseph of Austria-Este. After his death in 1863  the castle was inherited by his niece Archduchess Maria Theresia. In 1891 she sold the castle to Prince Jaime of Spain, duke of Madrid and Carlist pretender to the Spanish throne. After Prince Jaime’s death the castle was inherited by his uncle, the Duke of San Jaime, who died in 1936. The prince left the castle to Prince Xavier of Bourbon-Parma, who who eventually succeed to the Carlist claims. In 1971 Xavier’s son Carlos-Hugo, husband of Princess Irene of the Netherlands, donated the castle -which was in need of repairs-  to the town of Altmünster.

It took 52 hours and 450 firemen before the fire was extinguished. Today the first inspection of the castle will start. It is hoped that the castle can be restored to its former splendor.

The Castle now…

The Castle in better days…

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