Celebrating 150 Years of the Romanian Royal House – Part I

  May 10, 2016 at 7:53 am by

View the full image at Romania Regala

View the full image at Romania Regala

Today marks the 150th Anniversary of the establishment of Romania’s Royal House with a number of events attended by members of the royal family being held to mark this auspicious occasion – including a special message from Crown Princess Margarita, Custodian of the Crown of Romania (more of that in Part II!).

It is well known that Romania was a monarchy between 1881 until the abdication of King Mihai in 1947.  But the House of Romania itself was established in 1866 when Carol I became Prince of Romanian United Principalities.

The events started on started May 5 when a new school was opened in Bucharest by Crown Princess Margarita, her husband Prince Radu and her sister Princess Elena, who was accompanied by her husband, Alexander Nixon Philips.  The school was named the Queen Elena School after the mother of King Mihai.  With a prince and two princesses visiting the school, it must surely have been an exciting day for the children!

View the full image at Romania Regala

View the full image at Romania Regala

The royal party were together again the next day when a ceremony devised by the Hebrews Communities Federation took place at the Coral Temple in Bucharest to mark 120 years since the birth of Queen Elena.  Princess Maria was also in attendance.

Later, a commemorative book called Anul Regal (The Royal Year) was launched at an event hosted by The Sala Radio, who also hosted a Royal Concert that evening dedicated to the Anniversary.

View the full image at Romania Regala

View the full image at Romania Regala

On May 7th, Prince Radu attended the King’s Cup Final of “oină“, a game similar to baseball and a traditional sport in Romania.  King Mihai is the patron of the the competition, which is held every year in collaborataion with several national institutions including the Ministry of Youth and Sport and the Romanian Olympic Committee.

View the full image at Romania Regala

View the full image at Romania Regala

Meanwhile, Pelisor Castle in the mountain resort of Sinai provided the backdrop to a magnificent exhibition entitled Architecture and Royalty 1866-1881.  The exhibition lasts until 22nd May and was attended by Princess Maria and her husband.  Within the exhibition are three royal-related themes, including one entitled “Architecture of Kings and Queens of Romania” showcasing the role that royalty has played in creating some of the most important and renowned buildings in the country.

View the full image at Romania Regala

View the full image at Romania Regala

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