Queen Mathilde Takes Youngest Daughter Along To Piano Semi-Finals

  May 9, 2016 at 4:12 pm by

Belgium’s Queen Mathilde and her youngest daughter Princess Eléonore went to the Flagey building in Elsene, Brusels this afternoon to listen to the semi-finalists on the piano of the annual Queen Elisabeth Music Competition.

The first round of the piano was last week. Of the 76 finalists only 24 made it to the semi-finals. The young musicians have to perform twice for an international jury. Each afternoon there will be four performances, so the semi-finals will continue the entire month, which means that the queen will have ample opportunity to take her other children along too.

The facebook page of the Belgian monarchy posted a photo of the Queen and her daughter. Note that the second lady from the left on the third row is Archduchess Carl-Ludwig of Austria, née Princess Anna-Gabriele of Wrede.

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