Lest We Forget: Prince Harry Marks Anzac Day in London

  April 25, 2016 at 8:57 am by

Prince Harry, who last year attended the centenary services in Gallipoli with his father, today was present at three events to mark Anzac Day, which commemorates fallen Australian and New Zealander soldiers.

He first attended a traditional dawn service at the Royal Artillery Memorial on Hyde Park Corner where he laid a wreath of red poppies. The High Commissioners of Australia and New Zealand were also present.

Afterwards he moved on to a second service at the Cenotaph where – representing Queen Elizabeth II – the Prince laid a second wreath that carried a note reading “In memory of the glorious dead”.

A service at Westminster Abbey concluded the Prince’s Anzac Day commemorations, in which the Australian High Commissioner Alexander Downer spoke of the “enthusiasm, the courage and the heroism of the Anzac troops” who were “ordinary men fighting for God, King and empire, for their mates, for adventure, for a world without war.”

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